Boleh Pulang

by - November 09, 2011

Aku nemuin ini di internet. Sebenernya ini gambar, tapi bagus juga kalo dijadiin kata-kata.

Di kelas....
Guru: "Yang bisa menjawab pertanyaan saya berikutnya boleh pulang duluan!"
Murid: *ngelempar tas keluar kelas*
Guru: "Siapa itu yang ngelempar-ngelempar tas?!"
Murid: "SAYA! Jadi sekarang saya boleh pulang kan?"
Guru: "....."

Hahahaha. Bagus kan? Ini ada beberapa tweets dari @MeAtSchool. Pelajar kudu follow!

  • MATH = Mental Abuse To Humans.
  • MATH = Most Awful Thing from Hell
  • In school: you're taught a lesson & then given a test. In life: you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.
  • I guess I should do my homework now. *1 hour later* I guess I should do my homework now.
  • School is stressing me out soooo much that my neck, shoulders, and back hurts so badly bad.
  • HOMEWORK = Half Of My Energy Wasted On Random Knowledge. #studentsdictionary
  • Physics (noun) = The science where you use extremely long and complicated formulas to explain why a ball rolls. #studentsdictionary
  • Study (verb) = The act of texting, eating and watching TV with an open textbook nearby. #studentsdictionary
  • Teacher (noun) = A person who helps you solve problems you’d never have without them. #studentsdictionary
  • Students are not cheaters! We just really enjoy having the same answers.
  • #dearteachers I am too cool for school.
  • I wish remembering formulas was as easy as remembering lyrics.
  • I have homework to do, and I'm not in a good mood to do it. Everyday. #MeAtSchool
  • Without school it's really hard to know what date it is. #MeAtSchool
  • School for 12 years. College for 4 years. Work until I die. Great. #MeAtSchool

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1 komentar

  1. wkwkwkwkwk ngakak nggit XD
    aku suka bagian Physics, study, teacher, sama yg cheating XD XD XD
